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Our goal at Bamboo is to provide the most diverse, engaging, and informative online MBLEx preparation experience. We pride ourselves on having more questions than any other test prep (5100+ and growing) for you to practice as many times as you need. All of our questions are developed by a team of Subject Matter Experts in the massage industry, and are reviewed by an item writing expert to ensure our content matches the MBLEx experience.
Our innovative learning management system helps you track your progress as you work through an unlimited number of practice exams, over 5,100 flashcards, as well as simulated timed exams. The exam content matches the categorical breakdown of the MBLEx, so you become acclimated to the structure. Our convenient shopping cart allows for the purchase of various packages to meet your study/prep needs. By committing to a test prep such as Bamboo, we guarantee that you will be better prepared to pass the MBLEx. As a matter of fact, should you not pass the exam, we will extend your subscription until you do. Simply contact us after your exam to discuss a plan for your success.
We are so confident in our product, that we guarantee you will successfully pass the MBLEx. If not, we will extend your subscription until you become an LMT! By committing to a test prep such as Bamboo, we guarantee that you will be better prepared to pass the MBLEx.
As a matter of fact, shoud you not pass the exam, we will extend your subscription until you do. Simply contact us after your exam to discuss a plan for your success.
Yes. Bamboo is mobile responsive, enabling you to effectively use the practice quizzes and exam simulator on your mobile device.
As of 11/1/2014, the NCBTMB will no longer administer an entry level licensing exam.
This means the MBLEx will be the only licensing exam available in most states.
In order to apply to take the MBLEx, applicants must submit a completed Application Form and fee payment. Follow this link to get started.
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